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Public Building Commission Minutes 1/25/2010
Minutes – Regular Meeting – January 25, 2010

Present:  Chairman Fitts, Members:  Jeski, Lyons, O’Connell, and Wilson

Also present:  Construction Manager Bob Dwyer, Architect Brian Humes, Dennis Sherian from Human Services, Architect Anwar Hossalin, Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals, Carol Flagg (representing the Seniors), and town council Liaison Cary Prague

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm in the Directors’ Conference Room in the South Windsor Public Library.  This meeting replaces the February 10th meeting canceled due to a “blizzard” which closed Town buildings.  A motion to approve the minutes of the meetings of January 13 and January 20 was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.

Communications and Correspondence


New Fire House #3 and Ambulance Facility

Construction Manager Dwyer reported on construction progress, including that the copper pipe stolen from the site earlier in the week had been returned with the thieves in the hands of police.  Attached is the Construction Manager’s Monthly Report.  Other activities on the schedule were discussed.  There are notes on the attached CM Report.

On the attached Owner’s Change Order Log, PBC members approved all items except item 041 which requires more review.  Approved were items 022, 036, 037, 038, 040, 043, and 048.  These items reduce the remaining balance of the contingency account to $307,629 with #041 still to be decided.  There was one new item on the CM’s Contingency Log.

There was discussion of the activities and billings from the testing company, and those will be reviewed by the Chairman with the CM.

Chief Crombie was not present, but he is a person of importance and a decision-maker on a number of items discussed and needing decisions in the next few weeks.

The CM responded as requested and the PBC has received quotes from two qualified firms for the commissioning of the building’s systems.  A recommendation will be acted on at the March meeting.  There is $25,000 in the budget for this activity and it is a responsibility of the PBC, not the CM or Architect.

Community Center Expansion for More Senior Space

Since the PBC informational meeting at the Community Center on January 20, Architect Hossain held a Kick-off Meeting with seniors, and he and Peter DeMallie met the Town Building Department and Fire Marshall.  They came prepared with two preliminary designs of what might be done to meet the identified needs, be reasonable budget-wise, and meet the requirements of the Town for such items as parking, boundaries, disruption of the site, wetlands concerns, offenses to neighbors, public safety concerns, and similar matters.

Chairman Fitts has had discussions with Representative Bill Aman and hopes to receive more information on the Small Cities Grant.  The grants made in 2009 totaled $13,245,000 and went to 28 towns for no more than $750,000 each, and for construction like ADA improvements at the Town Hall, expansion of a kitchen at a Senior Center, repair a drainage system at a Senior Center, to install sprinklers at a senior housing complex, and to assist Suffield in converting the Calvary Church into a new Senior Center.  The preliminary plans for South Windsor’s project reviewed at this meeting approximately 10,000 square feet, at an architect’s estimated cost of $300 per square foot, and that is likely more money than currently available in the grant process.

Payment of Invoices

Presented for payment were one Application for Payment, two architect’s invoices, and six testing laboratory invoices, all approved, unanimously recommended for payment, and they are listed below.

  • Application for Payment #015 for the period ending 1-31-10 totaling $501,602.38 from Cutter Enterprises, LLC for costs associated with construction management for the Fire Station #3 Replacement Project.
  • Invoice No. 10017 from Jacunsky Humes Architects, LLC dated 1-15-10 totaling $9,100 for costs associated with architectural activities for the Fire Station #3 Replacement Project.
  • Invoice No. 10040 from Jacunsky Humes Architects, LLC dated 2-15-10 totaling $9,100 for costs associated with architectural activities for the Fire Station #3 Replacement Project.
  • Invoice #23954 dated 8-31-09 totaling $1,275 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
  • Invoice $24258 dated 1-29-10 totaling $990 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
  • Invoice #24232 dated 1-30-10 totaling $5,485 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
  • Invoice #24138 dated 11-30-09 totaling $6,010 from Special Testing laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
  • Invoice #24096 dated 10-30-09 totaling $2,876 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
  • Invoice #24060 dated 10-15-09 totaling $2,164 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

The next regular PBC meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2010, starting at 6:30 pm in the Directors Room at the South Windsor Public Library, assuming no interference from the weather.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                H. E. Fitts, Temporary Secretary